Dear Father, Mother & the Rest-
Rec'd your letter of Apr. 23 o.k. and also the parcel of Apr. 13. The cake was getting pretty old but all the other things were in good shape. I am afraid if the weather is going to be warm it will not do to send things like cakes or fruit because they will only be spoiled by the time they arrive.
I was glad to know that you had the girls home for Easter. It would be much pleasanter. Has Mae decided about going out West? Last letter I had from her she was thinking seriously of it. Did Father's land deal drop(?) through? You haven't mentioned it lately.
I am still at work in the hospital and am kept fairly busy. Some days are slack however and we can get a few minutes to write letters. I had a letter from Aunt Aggie last week and one from Chas. Munroe and Millie Mitford. Both of the latter want me to go and visit them when I am on leave home. It is as far away as ever and I am trying to see if I can't change numbers with someone who is leaving the unit. I must write Belle Ruxton some of these days. I had a letter from her a long time ago and I don't think I answered it.
Billy Redburn and I were over to spend the evening with Clair Brink on Saturday. He has a nice hut to himself but is kept pretty busy during the daytime. We had a nice evening chat together.
I have been getting the Globes that Rose sends right along and also got the parcel from the Patriotic League. I acknowledged it to Mrs. Gillis. Say, don't put my name in the paper any more than you can help. Miss Fairbairn gets all mixed up in her statements and she is apt to get somebody in to trouble sometime.
This has been a very commonplace week and there has not been anything out of the way happen. We never know though when things will start.
When do the school exams come off. I saw by the news that only students who were going to work on the farms were to be excused from exams. Is Vern going to do that? I guess Norma will be going to Normal next fall. That won't leave very many at home. I hope Mae repeats her success of last spring and carries off the prizes at the choir competition. I guess she will write and tell me all about it.
There's absolutely no news to tell so I'll ring off and get this away on the first mail that's going.
Harold Skilling
Letters home from Harold Skilling who served in the 5th Field Ambulance Corps of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces. During the Battle of the Somme on September 28, 1916, he was wounded in the abdomen while rescuing a wounded German soldier. He was invalided to England and when he had recovered, became a Flight Cadet with The Royal Flying Corps and received his temporary Commission as a 2nd Lt. on October 29, 1918. The war was over 13 days later, before he could fly any missions.
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